Thursday 1 January 2009


i didn't have time to make a lot today but during a car journey i managed to fit in some avatar making time. there's some angelina jolie icons there. the ones with her and her little boy are so cute! you'll probably see a lot more of angelina jolie not only because i love her and her kids, as well as her and brad in mr and mrs smith but because there's so many amazing pictures of her. some of these icons are really bad and im really disappointed i couldn't think of a way to do the one with her and her son lounged out any better but i decided to post it anyway, since they look so damn cute. XD

and so, here are the icons. (: no need to reupload either. they're ones. credit is a must. read the first post, hunnies.

Wednesday 31 December 2008


i know some of you have already celebrated new year but it's in just over thirty minutes here in the uk. for those of you that have already celebrated it, i hope you had a good time and also the people that have yet to celebrate. best wishes for everyone!

xoxo, geared up


hello, and welcome to geared up graphics! it's named because i really like cars and obviously, graphics is something i really like doing. i have adobe photoshop cs2, and at the time of writing i have the trial version of cs4 and as you may or may not know depending on whether or not you use it it only lasts for thirty days so by the time you read this, it might have run out. but either way, i'll still be making my graphics. (:

as i've said, i'm open to suggestions. i'm never guaranteeing i'll make them. i make whatever has good pictures, or that i have inspiration for so i am really sorry if i don't make what you suggest. i'd really love it if you suggest something though because when i have a block for inspiration i'll look at your requests. thank you so much! oh, and make sure if you take any icons, leave a link to the site somewhere near the graphics so people know where to come. and please recommend us if you like our graphics! thanks, and enjoy the graphics! <33

xoxo, geared up graphics